Chronic Disease


The incidence of chronic diseases has risen enormously in the past 50 years. There are many theories and proposals to explain why this is so. The Western, modern lifestyle may be largely to blame, as many studies of traditional cultures and people find a marked absence of chronic disease.

  • The typical Western diet has an increasing emphasis on highly processed fast foods, junk foods, too much fat, sugar, protein, wheat, cow’s milk products and chemical additives.
  • In addition, farming and food production methods and pollution have severely depleted the nutritional value of food. The content in fruit and vegetables of minerals and vitamins has declined up to 70% since the 1950 s!
  • There are fewer good quality nutrients in the foods that are available, and the valuable fibre and vitamins are often removed.
  • We are exposed to hundreds of thousands of chemicals in our environment, which were not there 50 years ago. A baby born today in the UNITED STATES has close to 300 chemicals in the umbilical Cord
  • In order to cope with the stresses and fast pace of modern living, many abuse alcohol, drugs and poor quality food.
  • Increased technology, designed to make life easier, takes away the need to exercise our bodies physically e.g. driving to work instead of walking.
  • Exposure to radiation from many sources e.g. electric pylons, cellphones, microwave ovens etc.

Some chronic diseases have a genetic or inherited predisposition (only 10‰). This may or may not manifest as a disease depending on one’s lifestyle and many other factors.


When diseases are self-limiting, or when medication can completely eliminate the disease [without needing to continue therapy], these are called acute diseases. On the other hand, when symptoms need regular, intermittent or continuous conventional drug therapy to obtain relief, one is probably dealing with a chronic disease.

Examples include thyroid deficiency needing continuous thyroid hormone replacement, or asthma needing ongoing or intermittent cortisone medication. Conventional drugs are very good at suppressing symptoms, or combating infections, but are not able to produce a cure for chronic disease.

All too often patients live in the twilight zone between vibrant health and overt disease. They do not feel well; do not get satisfactory relief from drugs, yet all the tests cannot elucidate where the problem lies. This twilight zone is commonly known as the zone of “dis-ease”. Many people suffer dis-ease without knowing what is wrong with them, and may end up being referred for psychiatric evaluation. Many difficult-to-treat states of dis-ease fall under the banner of Chronic Disease.


As can be seen from above, chronic diseases are seldom satisfactorily treated by conventional Western, pharmaceutical drugs. It is far more satisfactory to use an integrated or functional medical approach for what is usually a very complex problem. The causes are often multi-factorial and seldom simple. Together, the patient and the practitioner need to define and eliminate the obstacles to cure, and effect necessary lifestyle changes. The patient needs to accept the responsibility for making these changes.

The practitioner will then recommend a protocol, usually involving a combination of energetic and other therapies [such as those described on this website]. The path to cure is often long and difficult, with many ups and downs. Work may need to be done on all aspects of “being”: physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual. Some symptoms may resolve fairly quickly giving encouragement to continue with the programme. It has often taken many years to develop a chronic disease, thus it should not be surprising that it may take many months to resolve.

The aim of treatment is to restore a state of true, vibrant physical and mental health. This can be called a cure or true healing

Dr. Alain Sanua


Shop S203 The Colony Shopping Centre 345 Jan Smuts Ave Craighall Park Johannesburg South Africa
Tel: +27(0) 11 447 – 0525
Tel: +27(0)84 284 9755

453 Main Rd Naturally Yours Centre Bryanston South Africa
Tel: +27(0) 11 463 – 1614

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