Have you ever given it a thought that there might be a connection between your IBS and your thyroid? It doesn’t seem like this could be possible but it is and knowing that there is a connection can go a long way to curing the problem!

IBS and hyperthyroidism – the connection between the two 

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is a condition that a lot of South Africans suffer from. IBS affects your digestive system so it is wise to be on an eating plan that will not aggravate the situation. IBS can cause bloating, violent stomach cramps and even constipation so eating right is the best thing to do. Having an overactive or hyperactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) affects your digestive system and can give the impression that you might have IBS. It is important that you contact your local physician to have tests carried out in case you might have hyperthyroidism and not IBS.

If you suffer from hyperthyroidism it is important to know the effect that hyperthyroidism has on the digestive system. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are quite varied as it is a condition that affects the entire body. So as to best understand how your thyroid disease may be affecting your IBS, we will limit our discussion here to the digestive effects of hyperthyroidism. The following symptoms are thought to be the result of increased motility as a result of hyperthyroidism. When no other digestive illnesses are present, these symptoms should go away when thyroid levels are stabilized:

  • Increased appetite
  • Dyspepsia
  • Fat malabsorption
  • Diarrhea

It is estimated that as high as one out of every four patients with hyperthyroidism reports problems with diarrhea. There are several possible reasons for this. One may simply be the speeding up of the process of digestion. It is also possible that the thyroid disease affects the cells in the lining of the intestines, causing them to secrete excessive fluid. Last, the increased appetite resulting from the condition may result in an increased intake of fat into the diet. Fat in the diet may serve to further increase the speed of intestinal contractions. A side effect of this rapid transit time is that the fat that is ingested has less time to mix with digestive enzymes. This reduces the absorption of fat by the body and increases the fat level of stools.

What should you do if you have IBS and hyperthyroidism?

  • The most important thing to do if you have both health conditions is to make sure that your thyroid disease is being treated properly. This will ensure that your thyroid is not playing any part in your digestive symptoms.
  • Make sure that before your doctor ruled out either celiac disease or ulcerative colitis before they gave you a diagnosis of IBS.
  • Digestive health requires an adequate intake of dietary fibre. If you need to increase the fibre in your diet, do it slowly to allow your body time to adjust without aggravating your IBS symptoms or throwing off your body’s ability to absorb your thyroid medication.
  • Reduce the level of fat in your diet, as meals high in fat can speed up the motility of your colon, resulting in cramps and diarrhea.

Before trying to treat your IBS or hyperthyroidism yourself, consult a medical practitioner. Just remember that diet plays an important role in keeping this under control, conventional medication is not always the right or permanent solution!

Looking after your health properly and naturally is what Dr Alain Sanua does best. If you are interested in finding a more natural solution to your health problems then you need to contact Dr Alain Sanua for a consultation. As a practitioner in homeopathy, Dr Alain Sanua will be able to sort out your health issues the natural and healthy way.