Constant abdominal pain is not something to be taken lightly. More than 50% of the human population suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and are not even aware of it. Irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS) is a symptom based diagnosis and is characterised by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating and alteration of bowel habits. Alternating between diarrhea and constipation is also a symptom of IBS. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to get it treated as soon as possible and preferably get it treated the natural way.
A lack of exercise and a poor diet can cause irritable bowel syndrome to flare up as what you eat effects the internal organs of your body. A healthy eating plan and exercise routine can alleviate the cramping and bloating that is associated with irritable bowel syndrome. By controlling the amount of food you consume you will be able to control IBS; try eating smaller more frequent meals. Due to the stressful life that we all lead we tend to forget the affect that stress can have on the body and this in turn can lead to irritable bowel syndrome or a spastic colon. Prevention is better than cure, so if you are susceptible to IBS, take the necessary precautions.
Recent studies have proven that the appropriate identification of food sensitivity in IBS patients not responding to standard therapy gives a sustained clinical response and improves quality of life. The following are some steps that help to reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome :
- Avoid caffeine and soda
- Avoid foods high in sugar and artificial sweeteners
- Avoid dairy products including milk and cheese
- Avoid fatty or fried foods
- Eat low fat foods
- Drink kefir or aloe vera juice
- Reduce legumes in the diet
- Increase fibre intake
- Drink more water
- Avoid smoking
- Effective stress management
By following these simple steps, it can lead to a healthier and happier you!
Psychotherapy may be helpful for motivated patients, particularly if bowel symptoms are of short duration, abdominal pain is not constant and there are overt signs of anxiety or depression. Techniques such as relaxation training, meditation, stress management and hypnosis may produce sustained reduction in somatic symptoms.
Heal your body the natural way ….
Taking prescribed medication for irritable bowel syndrome can assist with alleviating the pain associated with IBS but does not guarantee long term treatment of this. Rather choose the natural route by altering your diet, managing your levels of stress and using various relaxation techniques.
Dr Alain Sanua will assist you with finding the right way to deal with your irritable bowel syndrome in the most natural way possible.